Dependable Legal Advice in Child Custody or Visitation Disputes
Anxiety about the security of a parent-child relationship during and after divorce can generate a great deal of anxiety. This can cloud your judgment and make the marriage dissolution process harder than it needs to be. At Shaw Law Ltd., our child custody lawyers can explain just what factors matter the most in visitation or custody disputes. Once you understand your legal rights and responsibilities, you’ll be in a good position to work out the details of an arrangement that can work well for yourself, the children and the other parent.
To learn how our family law experience can demystify the legal and practical aspects of child custody, contact our office to schedule a free in-office consultation with a seasoned attorney. Once you understand a few basics, you’ll probably find a negotiated agreement on custody and visitation issues within your reach.
The first rule to understand concerns the primary importance of the child’s best interests. Illinois law requires any custody dispute to be resolved according to what’s best for the child involved, and the court needs to explain its reasoning in those terms. In other words, parents disputing primary physical custody need to keep the focus on how their preferred arrangement serves the child’s needs as opposed to their own.
Illinois law also presumes that the best interests of a child require a stable and substantial relationship with both parents. In cases of mental illness, chemical dependency or family violence, a troubled parent might present special problems of fitness or safety, but most situations will recognize that the child’s relationship with a noncustodial parent is worth recognition and protection.
Call 847-244-4696 for the Advice of an Illinois Visitation Attorney
We help divorcing clients work out the logistics of child custody and visitation arrangements under all kinds of circumstances, not just the easy cases. For example, if a history of domestic violence threatens your right to joint custody, parenting time or unsupervised visitation, we can show you how to improve your position with the court and within your own family.
Learn more about our approach to client service on parent-child issues in Chicago’s northern collar communities. Contact a Waukegan child custody lawyer at Shaw Law Ltd.